
口才训练 2023-09-16 06:00 编辑:admin 111阅读




Topic 1:Is opportunity and luck more important than hard working


正方一辩:We can't deny the importance of hard work.Both of these elements are very important in determining whether a person is successful or not.But luck brings us opportunities to show the value of our hard work.In this sense,luck is more important than hard work alone.


On one level,luck means ‘a good material life'.But adversity is also a kind of luck.This kind of luck is not uncertain.Children growing up in adversity will be stronger.


Topic2:Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work


Good morning,everyone we are the objective part.

I am debater 1 Han .

I am debater 2 Jone


We are the negative part.

I am debater 1 ding.

I am debater 2 Li


We both sides have to seize this opportunity,to pursue our desires for success.Our opinion - --the opportunity and luck is the key to success.If there is no opportunity,even though you have talent you have not demonstrated vision and the opportunity to stage.Mrs.Courier said:the weak waits for the opportunity the strong creates opportunity”.We think:Opportunity and Luck are the keys to success!That’s all,thank you.

反方立论:Our side insists on that hard working is the key to success.It’s true that hard working and the opportunity are the important factors to success.But we are discussing which is more important.First,seeing from the side of philosophy,the inside factor is the most importance to everything developing.The hard working is the inside factor.Second,seeing from the way to success,we must set up a goal in the first instance,and through the personal hard working,we can hold the opportunity and achieve to success.So we believe the hard working is the key to success.That’s all,thank you.


I think family just likes a boat when you are in the sea.and career just likes the fish which around of your boat.then which is much more important for you?

Stick out a mile.Boat is much more important for us.Boat will take you and protect you to your destination.In the meantime.Fish is the food for you when you strive for your goal.But it`s only your food,You cannot too greedy.Otherwise,You will forget that the more fish you get,the more dangerous you have.

To sum up.To take care of your family firstly then you can engage in your career as much as your want!Many people wonder, “How will having a family affect my career?”it is important to remember that it is possible to stay on track professionally if you set goals and give some thought to career development. Here are some ways to do that:

Think about your career goals and what is important to you. Ask yourself, “What do I care about most?”

How important is the opportunity to grow?

How important is the commute to work?

How important are salary, vacation time and benefits?

How important is flexibility?

What other things are important?

Talk with your spouse or partner about your career goals and aspirations. What compromises or sacrifices will each of you make to achieve your career goals? Research shows that women are more likely to adapt to their husband’s career than vice versa.

Talk with your manager about your career goals and aspirations. Schedule a time to have this discussion. It might be when you are planning your parental leave, at a regular check-in time with your manager, or at your yearly performance review.

You may be successful at work and highly skilled at what you do, but that does not make it any easier to carve out the kind of life you want for yourself and your family. Career. And again, what cross your mind? Now why don‘t you relate this two topics together? true enough, you might be thinking a diligent father working all day and earning a mere income of 100 dollars. He fails to be family orientated.

What i would like to express is that no matter how busy you are or how important your job to you is, like as if you‘ll be losing your job the next day, please don‘t forget to spend some time with your family too! Always remember family comes first‘!
