
口才训练 2023-09-17 03:36 编辑:admin 213阅读



1、正方: The claim

反方:The counterclaim

2、正方: Positive side

反方: Negative side

3、正方 Affirmative side

反方:Negative side





(2)辩证法 dialectic

相信大家都学习过辩证法,“辩证法”我们可以翻译为dialectic。算是一个专有名词。类似的“辩证法思维”,我们可以翻译做“dialectical thinking”。

Dialectic studies how opposites can become identical.


1、辩论赛:Dabate 2、正方: The claim 反方:The counterclaim 或者 正方: Positive side 反方: Negative side 或者 正方 Affirmative side 反方:Negative side 3、辩手: 一辩:The first speaker 或The first debater 二辩 The second spea




1. Excessive use of the Internet networks on people's health and social disadvantage. Carnegie? Mellon University's Robert?克劳特and his colleagues on some subjects at the beginning and after the use of the Internet in 2012 had a personality assessment, found that: people spend more time online with their loved ones less communication, real life, the less friends, feel lonely and depressed at the same time.

2. Will be a lot of time for online chat, games, etc., there is no time for learning, and friends, and even do not have time to sleep, it will skip class, boiled overnight success plummet.

3. Experts said that a long time Internet access, easy to focus, mental power extreme, and then induced a series, such as recurrent headache, migraine headache, vision damage, mouse hand, Computer face and other problems.

4. First of all young people the Internet is one of the major hazards will affect the vision. According to statistics, regular access to the Internet the proportion of students in the short-sighted about 60%. Against the second-largest computer released by the radiation, the harm is very strong.

Anti-side the first participant:

The reason why we think access to the Internet does more harm than good, is that there are many areas not suitable for us. We have summed up the discussion the following drawbacks of the Internet: First of all, electricity and telephone bills has risen sharply and is now the universal family问题. After an investigation, the long-term access to the Internet home phone bills are more than 200 yuan, not only that, the Internet also may lead to parents and the conflicts between the children, and if some unhealthy websites, would seriously affect the physical and mental health of young people, vulnerable so that students from going astray and doing regular jobs, abandoned the study, but also cause decreased vision, lack of sleep-related diseases such as, in our point of view clear again that the Internet does more harm than good.

The second side of participant:

Online games to study the impact of our normal, it makes us crazy, and finally玩物丧志, give up their studies, and this is because we young people have not the capacity of a strong self-control, parents also need help and counseling, so the Internet is definitely not young people greater than the profits!

Anti-participant third parties:

Young people will waste a lot of time online, resulting in decreased academic performance, not to mention the Internet can help to learn, if the Internet can really help you improve the performance of the case, why is such a great country to invest the human and material resources to improve our education sector? Even if the knowledge can be learned online, then why should you every day carrying a bag to school then? Home online self-learning is not simply better? Clinics to save each year for parents to spend a thousand dollars you go to school!

The fourth side of participant:

Excessive use of the Internet on people's health and social disadvantage. Carnegie? Mellon University's Robert?克劳特and his colleagues on some subjects at the beginning and after the use of the Internet in 2012 had a personality assessment, found that: people spend more time online with their loved ones less communication, real life, the less friends, feel lonely and depressed at the same time. Therefore, the Internet does more harm than good.


Internet, this new network is to bring a certain amount of interest, but it is always greater than the harm profits. First of all, is subjective body and mind of a double blow, a large number of radiation caused decreased visual acuity, the number of non-performing network of sites, all the time is no longer the soul of our Destroyed. Secondly, the objective of the surge in telephone charges, the constant waste of time, or even play all night, lack of sleep has become a very common problem! Of course, there are many other issues, a lot of money spent in all of this is all due to on-line credit. Therefore, the Internet for us more harm than good.

Chat online friends of the students of today is already very much at home, a foreigner asked to meet the weather, the students asked to meet QQ. Many students have their own chat of OICQ, and typing speed are very fast, is still able to speak. Can count on all-inclusive content,上知astronomy, geography under the pass; a better home, with little learning, a wide range, all of the students. Via Web chat with distant friends, indeed very good, but we can not be ignored: We seldom see a meaningful chat topic! Play games online is a hobby many students, for example, swept the four officials to kill the game will not only allow you解恨, but also cultivated a sense of justice. But can not be ignored, some of the game is not just a waste of time, but also poison our physical and mental health. A reporter at a cyber cafe to see: a primary and secondary school students are playing a People's Air Force has become an imaginary enemy, the Chinese Air Force plane was shot down, called Delta Force CD-ROM game. Press stop watch, can not help but anger from the past: A few minutes later, the boy shot down an enemy - large signs bearing the Chinese Air Force fighter planes. The excitement of the game a long time, and easily lead to impatience, the impact of normal work, study, rest, use of mental health experts as saying it is suicide.

Many students find themselves unable to indulge in the network, - we call it a poisoning - not only delay their studies, but also damage to the physical and mental health, it is hardly surprising that Parents worry about, worry about teachers, schools worried about.

According to statistics, in 2005, China's Internet users reached 94 million, 18 years of age accounted for 18.8% of Internet users. In other words, China's access to the Internet nearly 18 million minors. In the cities, the current ratio of primary and secondary school students and 25.8% Internet, 30 percent for junior high school students, high school students has reached 56%. At the same time, research also shows that the incidence of Internet addiction between the ages of 15-year-old -40 years old, one of the network of young people addicted to Internet users as much as 10% -15%. Young people are susceptible to high-risk population in school as a result of Internet addiction led to the prospect of a criminal case also occur from time to time. Youth Internet addiction has become a growing social problem.

June 24 First Watch program broadcast on the juvenile Internet addiction exists for the current phenomenon of youth Internet addiction is analyzed and discussed. Internet addiction is a group of young students in the prevalence of the phenomenon has aroused the anxiety of parents of students with anxiety, but also attracted attention to the education sector. While computers and networks has become a modern man is an integral part of daily life, in people's life and work plays a decisive role in the functions of a strong network of people working and studying is a big help. But precisely because of its powerful features, which imply a lot of network problems. Virtual space for the network to determine the capacity of poor and a strong curiosity and desire to explore young people at work, also played a negative role. The negative effects of such serious harm to young people when the student's learning, life and health, many of the attendant social problems.

Indulged in the network dropped out of school, running away from home, even criminal incidents, two students from the Internet overnight and were sleeping on the railroad tracks ran over the 17-year-old teenagers were online a few jokes and then went to 100 Internet cafes in the attack outside, several dozen students and a few days for the Internet彻夜不归, there are a lot of young people obsessed with the Internet and abandoned their studies ... ... This is a matter of education for the current example of a wake-up call. Network to open the children's window to the world, but networks also let the kids have lost their direction before, communicate with others closed the door to the soul. We can not help asking whether the Internet age has brought us what? Network, to what young people should be what?

Computer is not a great scourge, this is not the fact that children also easily lead to resentment. We must tell the child, in the final analysis, the computer is a tool that is used to us, rather than play; learn how to use smart people who only people who will be playing is stupid. - TAO Hong-Kai

The Internet is a gorgeous colorful world, many young people because the world is too wonderful here, and created a real life and too much contrast, it has been deeply attracted to the world online. However, in addition to their own factors, their living environment in which their Internet addiction is an important reason. According to the survey, Internet addiction and a lack of care for most young people, lack of communication, empty of life, and family violence. Many students bored in real life, dissatisfied with the existence of many students interpersonal difficulties, because of personality, such as family problems such as poor interpersonal relationships, but on the network are not obstacles to such contacts, so they are trying to simulate a virtual network reality, in order to achieve stimulation and emotional venting, access to daily life can not get satisfaction. This is an evasion of the real-life situations. It is precisely because such a variety of reasons, the children's fascination with the network, so that their network has become a kind of spiritual sustenance, in the network of self-searching. Be appreciated by other people's recognition and a sense of achievement, is anyone willing to enjoy. However, it is difficult to real-life achievements of such a satisfaction, and the network can provide to the children of such a space: network game, conceited, self-pleasure at the core; and strangers chatting kind of natural and the feeling of impunity, as well as in real life can not be the vent, so that they have friends to find comfort and pleasure, they are here to enjoy a paradise for the release of psychological stress. All in all, great to meet all of these confused, rebellious and curious about the children's psychological needs.

The first disadvantage when using the Internet is that your personal information is not safe, especially important one. In fact, as you surf the web, read emails, download softwares or even chat with your friends, a Trojan, known as a hidden program, can be sent to your computer without your knowing. It will steal and transfer all the information you save to the sender. This person, after that, may make use of or give it to somebody else. For example, if you use Internet to shop online, your credit card number can be stolen, and then the money in your bank account will probably be used up. Or if you send some confidential material to your business partners, your opponents may try to steal it and harm your company.

Pornography is the second disadvantage of the Internet. This is a very serious issue, especially when it comes to children. Nowadays there are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found. These sites are very harmful to the kids, and may incite them to act out sexually against other ones. According to the study of researcher Dr. Jennings Bryant about 600 American males and females of junior high school age and above, 31 percent of the males and 18 percent of the females admitted actually doing some of the things they have seen in the pornography. Moreover, a recent study has shown that frequent exposure to pornography may cause the children to involve in sexual illness, sexual addiction and unplanned pregnancies, which have bad influences on the childrens mental life.

The last con is virus threat. What is a virus? A virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into slowing down your computers speed, destroying data and crashing your whole hard disk. Maybe most of us here have at least once suffered from viruses no matter how hard we have tried to prevent them from infecting the computers by using some anti-virus programs. So we should know clearly that they cause bad damages , but are inevitable.

The first disadvantage when using the Internet is that your personal information is not safe, especially important one. In fact, as you surf the web, read emails, download softwares or even chat with your friends, a Trojan, known as a hidden program, can be sent to your computer without your knowing. It will steal and transfer all the information you save to the sender. This person, after that, may make use of or give it to somebody else. For example, if you use Internet to shop online, your credit card number can be stolen, and then the money in your bank account will probably be used up. Or if you send some confidential material to your business partners, your opponents may try to steal it and harm your company.

Pornography is the second disadvantage of the Internet. This is a very serious issue, especially when it comes to children. Nowadays there are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found. These sites are very harmful to the kids, and may incite them to act out sexually against other ones. According to the study of researcher Dr. Jennings Bryant about 600 American males and females of junior high school age and above, 31 percent of the males and 18 percent of the females admitted actually doing some of the things they have seen in the pornography. Moreover, a recent study has shown that frequent exposure to pornography may cause the children to involve in sexual illness, sexual addiction and unplanned pregnancies, which have bad influences on the childrens mental life.

The last con is virus threat. What is a virus? A virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into slowing down your computers speed, destroying data and crashing your whole hard disk. Maybe most of us here have at least once suffered from viruses no matter how hard we have tried to prevent them from infecting the computers by using some anti-virus programs. So we should know clearly that they cause bad damages , but are inevitable.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my name is Nguyen Long Quoc, and today Id like to talk to you about three disadvantages of the Internet.

The first disadvantage when using the Internet is that your personal information is not safe, especially important one. In fact, as you surf the web, read emails, download softwares or even chat with your friends, a Trojan, known as a hidden program, can be sent to your computer without your knowing. It will steal and transfer all the information you save to the sender. This person, after that, may make use of or give it to somebody else. For example, if you use Internet to shop online, your credit card number can be stolen, and then the money in your bank account will probably be used up. Or if you send some confidential material to your business partners, your opponents may try to steal it and harm your company.

Pornography is the second disadvantage of the Internet. This is a very serious issue, especially when it comes to children. Nowadays there are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found. These sites are very harmful to the kids, and may incite them to act out sexually against other ones. According to the study of researcher Dr. Jennings Bryant about 600 American males and females of junior high school age and above, 31 percent of the males and 18 percent of the females admitted actually doing some of the things they have seen in the pornography. Moreover, a recent study has shown that frequent exposure to pornography may cause the children to involve in sexual illness, sexual addiction and unplanned pregnancies, which have bad influences on the childrens mental life.

The last con is virus threat. What is a virus? A virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into slowing down your computers speed, destroying data and crashing your whole hard disk. Maybe most of us here have at least once suffered from viruses no matter how hard we have tried to prevent them from infecting the computers by using some anti-virus programs. So we should know clearly that they cause bad damages , but are inevitable.

In conclusion, the Internet can have some bad effects like unsafe personal information, pornographys influences on childrens mental life, and virus threat. However, it doesnt mean that you shouldnt use the internet any more. Its hard to imagine our life without the Internet. What you should do is just need to be more careful every time when you use the Internet.


Teachers, students, Friends of the other debates, everyone!

Mankind will enter the information age, network more and more strongly involved in our lives, more and more closer to our primary and secondary school students. Primary and secondary school students the Internet is big profit in the end harm or greatly? We firmly believe that: students access more harm than good:

I have a few examples:

■ 2005 years 7 30, Beijing obsessed 16-year-old network小韬failed to ask for money after his father threatened to kill his father. That night, father, son found in the room the table was put in a chopper father desperate to land at the dumbbell to kill his son.

■ 2002 on 16 years 6 morning, indulging in Game 4 of the minors in the College Road, Haidian District, 蓝极速Network Internet arson, causing 24 deaths, 13 people were injured.

■ 2004 years 12 27, Tanggu District, Tianjin, 13-year-old boy ZHANG Xiao Yi from online game World of Warcraft addict and committed suicide.

■ 2005 years 7 17, in Hebei Province, a 15-year-old定兴县Internet addiction teenagers stabbed绳勒, injuries to the mother.

■ 2006 on 22 years 3 at noon 11 pm, Wuwei City, Gansu Province, Xu-bin because they are dissatisfied young parents scold their access to the Internet, will be killed by their parents and then his father found from 27 yuan in cash and continue to return to Internet cafes.
