a lot of rooms
many rooms
lots of rooms
plenty of rooms
a number of rooms
修饰可数:a(good/large/many/great)number of/numbers of;many(注:a great many=a number of) 修饰不可数:much;a (great) deal of(+ 名词)(a great deal后加形容词);a bit of(+名词)(a bit后加形容词);(an)(large)amount of/amounts of 可数不可数皆可(谓语动词随修饰的名词):a (large)quantity of/quantities of(注:quantities of是个例外。无论其修饰可数不可数,谓语动词一律用复数);a lot of/lots of;plenty of;masses of;a pile of/piles of 这个是我高中三年完完全全自己总结的,很不错吧。
三、求 所有 包含“许多,一些”意思的英语单词或词组,除了many,much,a lot of 这些表达
a large amount of
plenty of
a heap of一大堆 a host of一大群;许多
a few
a little
a bit
天花乱坠 口齿伶俐 口若悬河 妙语连珠 搬唇弄舌 辩口利辞 出口成章 大辩不言 斗唇合舌 以辞取人 三寸不烂之舌,胜于百万之师 滔滔不绝 津津乐道..etc

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