Personally, I would like to say that the
famous person I admire most is my brother. He is tall, a little fat but
masculine. There are a couple of reasons to name. The first reason I wanna say
is he’s a prestigious doctor in my city, but he never makes a show (and when I
have difficulty, he will help me to deal with it./ He taught me people should
be modest). The second reason is I learn much from him, (He is very generous to
lend money to the poor patients.) He taught me that you don't do kindness just
to gain favor, but because that's what your true nature expects you to do. So
that’s why I admire my brother most.
1 the scenery from its window is beautiful.
I can stay in front of the window, smell the grass and flowers and listen to
the birds singing, all of these can relax and relieve the pressure from work
and study.
2 It should be filled with my favorite
flowers- carnation, which represents love and best wishes to my family and
3 It should be tranquil, so I can focus on
my study, which means I can spent less time, but attain more knowledge.
Personally, I would like to say that one of
my future goals is to become a journalist.
There are a couple of reasons to name. The first reason I wanna say is I
can travel to a lot of countries and visit a lot of places of interests in the
world, such as Statue of Liberty in America. The second reason is I
have taken four years’ journalism education and being a journalist can help me
to apply what I have learned into job. So that’s why I want to become a
journalist in future. (goals, job, decision)
在平时,提高英语口语,最主要的是多说多练,多和英美国家人士打交道,这样你的英语口语才能说的更地道,想在短时间内练好英语口语.1.要以大量的阅读和听力做基础。在读和听的过程中,积累了词汇,掌握了句型,熟悉了用英语表达思想的方式,最重要的是培养了语感。2.同时,练习英语口语也需要用多种办法:如大声朗读英语对话和文章,朗读各种句型的例句和口语中最常用的句子,背诵文章及演讲,与会英语的人练口语,当然,最好与以英语为母语的人练口语。事实上,自言自语亦是练习口语的有效的方法之一。如果你把自己说的英语给录制下来,听听自己的录音,若有问题,再加以改正,效果就会更好。3.在学英语的过程中,要始终寻找机会说英语。大家在一起就要用英语来交谈。这种交谈有利于每个人的英语学习,因为大家都有机会运用。用自已掌握的英语知识来交流思想,巩固了已学的知识,并把知识转化成技能,同时,还能从别人那儿学到新的东西。要想学好英语口语就要多说。4.你也可以报个班,我个人认为口语加强这个不错。我推荐 【酷酷口语】 ,而且是的聊天中学习提高的。我想应该是你想的的那种,现在有免费体课,你可以试试。我也上过效果很好。他们现在有免费体验的课程,你可以试试

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